TRENUTNO00:00 - 06:00Music mix by Anja


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16.02.2019. · 14:48

Muzika devedesetih na Oradiju. Petkom od 14h. Priprema i vodi Dušan Majkić


Snimak emisije koja je bila emitovana 15.02. Specijal posvećen albumu "The Soft Bulletin" kojeg je pre tačno dvadeset godina realizovao američki sastav The Flaming Lips. Ovo izdanje je i danas putovanje u budućnost muzike.

Uređuje i vodi: Dušan Majkić

Spisak pesama:

1.           "Race for the Prize"

2.           "A Spoonful Weighs a Ton"       

3.           "The Spark That Bled" ("The Softest Bullet Ever Shot")   

4.           "The Spiderbite Song"  

5.           "Buggin'" (Mokran remix)          

6.           "What Is the Light?" ("An Untested Hypothesis Suggesting That the Chemical [In Our Brains] by Which We Are Able to Experience the Sensation of Being in Love Is the Same Chemical That Caused the "Big Bang" That Was the Birth of the Accelerating Universe")  

7.           "The Observer"

8.           "Waitin' for a Superman" ("Is It Gettin' Heavy?")            

9.           "Suddenly Everything Has Changed" ("Death Anxiety Caused by Moments of Boredom")   

10.         "The Gash" ("Battle Hymn for the Wounded Mathematician")   

11.         "Feeling Yourself Disintegrate" 

12.         "Sleeping on the Roof" (excerpt from "Should We Keep the Severed Head Awake??")

  • 00:00 Music mix by Anja
  • 06:00 Music Mix by Bea
  • 11:00 Radio Gruvanje


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